How To Manage/ Update/ Cancel Your Subscription

My Account Pages

After you have  purchased a subscription package, you can view details of your subscription on the My Account page. You will need you account username and password that were issued to you when you signed up.

My Account is created by the Healing Heart Coach Website and gives a customer access to their billing and shipping addresses, order history and other account details. Healing Heart Subscriptions adds a My Subscriptions table to this page.

In the My Subscriptions table, Subscriptions lists the ID for each customer’s subscriptions, along with subscription status, next payment date and links to My Account > View Subscription, where the customer can view all details of the subscription. You can also cancel your subscription at any time or change your billing details if you need to update them. You can also change your profile details.

Customer’s My Account Page

View Subscription Page

To view the full details for a subscription:

  1. Go to My Account page.
  2. Scroll to the My Subscriptions table.
  3. Select the View button next to the subscription in the My Subscriptions table; or
  4. Click the subscription number under the Subscription column in the My Subscriptions table.

This takes the customer to My Account > View Subscription for a single subscription. On this page, the customer can: a) View, and b) in some cases change, the subscriptions:

  • status
  • start date, trial end, next payment and end date (if any)
  • line items, including products, shipping, fees and taxes
  • recurring totals (i.e. the total amount charged each renewal)
  • payment method
  • order history, including the original order used to purchase the subscription (if any), renewal orders
  • contact email and phone number