“Marie is absolutely crème-de-la-crème when it comes to having an open, loving heart and gentle  sensitivity to others. The healing session was more powerful than I could have imagined.  Over the phone, and across the ocean, she guided me compassionately and skillfully through awareness and clearing of my energy.  I felt SO much better afterwards, as if I’d been RELEASED and let free. It’s had a lasting impact too. One of the most extraordinary healing and life-shifting experiences I’ve ever had. So SAFE  feeling too. She’s truly the BEST.”

Padmalaya - Ohio

Distance Healing

$150 / hour

Vaishnavi is a world-renowned Distance Intuitive Energy Healer who has helped numerous clients from many parts of the world. Distance Energy Healing will allow you to receive support at your convenience, over the phone or other device. Individuals from 9 countries, from as varied locations such as India, Ireland, Australia, Philippines and China, have benefited greatly from the depth and convenience of her transformative work. 

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“Marie is absolutely crème-de-la-crème when it comes to having an open, loving heart and gentle  sensitivity to others. The healing session was more powerful than I could have imagined.  Over the phone, and across the ocean, she guided me compassionately and skillfully through awareness and clearing of my energy.  I felt SO much better afterwards, as if I’d been RELEASED and let free. It’s had a lasting impact too. One of the most extraordinary healing and life-shifting experiences I’ve ever had. So SAFE  feeling too. She’s truly the BEST.”

Padmalaya - Ohio

How does Intuitive Distance Energy Healing work?

The energy body is not bound by the same laws as the physical body. It has the ability to connect beyond time and space, which is why the benefits of this healing method is as powerful as a treatment in person. This method is the one of choice for those unable to travel to Gainesville for treatments.

What “shows up” on the physical level has its counterpart condition on different energetic levels. Often, physical issues are connected to unresolved emotional and mental stress, creating a host of debilitating problems for those affected.

In an Intuitive Distance Energy Healing Session, I will tune into your energy field with my own and scan your body for any energy congestion and blockages affecting it. I will then help you to tune in as well, allowing you to bring awareness to these old energetic blockages and/or patterns and choose whether they are still serving you.

We will get to their root together and remove any unwanted negative energies.

Your energy body will then naturally harmonize itself to a higher, lighter and clearer vibration which will nourish your entire being from the inside out.

Restoring you to a state of being constitutionally more balanced, clear and vibrant. 

You will experience lasting results even after the first session.

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1 Hour Follow Up Session, Initial Session