Powerful Freedom

Powerful Freedom! 20% off

$2304 value of $2880 or 6 monthly

payments of $384

24 weeks program

Weekly Healing & Coaching sessions

Starting at $384 / month for 6 months

This powerful 6 month life changing transformational program of 24 weekly 1 hours sessions Includes but not limited to:

Includes but not limited to:

  • Initial assessment
  • Identification of your triggers
  • Removing past traumas from your energetic and physical bodies
  • Healing and reintegration of your wounded inner-children
  • The power of forgiveness and acceptance of what is
  • Identification of self-sabotaging thoughts and it’s root cause
  • Shifting paradigm
  • Come into your inner-power
  • Developing the habit of being an observer vs a reactor of your internal world
  • Developing the habit of using your higher intelligence to assess and question your “mind’s proposals”
  • Developing self-control in order to make the choices which are in your highest self-interest
  • Gaining clarity on your unique contribution
  • Goal setting aligned with your true purpose
  • Creating concrete plans to manifest these goals

Powerful Freedom - Energy Healing

The Powerful Freedom package is for those who are dedicated to living a powerful fulfilling life and actualizing their highest and true potential!

This package combines the sessions and all the benefits of both healing and energetic coaching packages; ensuring complete resolution of past traumas and/or past emotional blockages and creating lasting new paradigm and habits for living in full integrity with the higher self.

New lifestyle changes, will be established through a series of individualized weekly homework along with weekly energetic coaching sessions to help you identify and remove the obstacles preventing you from achieving the life you want to create for yourself.

Additional information

Payment Options

Pay Monthly, Pay in Full