Includes but not limited to:
- Initial assessment
- Establishing complete ownership and responsibility of our own individual feelings and reactions vs. assigning blame on other family members
- Identification of relationship triggers
- Releasing of unrealistic expectations of your partner and/or children from your energetic and physical bodies
- Discovering any past experiences contributing to each members’ dysfunctional patterns in the relationship
- Healing and reintegration of one’s wounded inner children if needed
- Identification and removal of relationship-sabotaging thoughts, blame, resentment, etc. and their root cause
- Discovering the power of forgiveness and acceptance of what is and learn to apply it in your relationship
- Establishing each family member’s focus on their own inner work
- Changing your relationship with uncomfortable emotions
- Learning how to be a loving support, a guide, attentive listener to your spouse and children, without judgement or expectations
- Developing the habit of being an observer vs a reactor of your internal world
- Developing the habit of using your higher intelligence to assess and question your mind’s “proposals”
- Developing self-control in order to make the choices which are in your and your family’s greatest interest
- Gaining clarity on your family’s values and goals
- Shifting family dynamics
- Sustaining harmony in all members
Transformational Couple Healing and Coaching
Starting at $580 / month for 2 months
We will start with one to one sessions for each family members depending on needs, followed by joint couple sessions to work directly on the relationship pitfalls and how to develop healthy communication and relationship habits to create a more harmonious home.
Includes but not limited to:
- Initial assessment
- Establishing completes ownership and responsibility of our own individual feelings and reactions vs. assigning blame on other family members
- Identification of relationship triggers
- Releasing of unrealistic expectations of your partner and/or children from your energetic and physical bodies
- Discovering any past experiences contributing to each members’ dysfunctional patterns in the relationship
- Healing and reintegration of one’s wounded inner children if needed
- Identification and removal of relationship-sabotaging thoughts, blame, resentment, etc. and their root cause
- Discovering the power of forgiveness and acceptance of what is and learn to apply it in your relationship
- Establishing each family member’s focus on their own inner work
- Changing your relationship with uncomfortable emotions
- Learning how to be a loving support, a guide, attentive listener to your spouse and children, without judgement or expectations
- Developing the habit of being an observer vs a reactor of your internal world
- Developing the habit of using your higher intelligence to assess and question your mind’s “proposals”
- Developing self-control in order to make the choices which are in your and your family’s greatest interest
- Gaining clarity on your family’s values and goals
- Shifting family dynamics
- Sustaining harmony in all members
This amazing package is essential for any couple or families to revitalize their connections.
When the financial and workplace stressors become overwhelming, we quickly fall into the trap of dumping, snapping at or lashing out at those most dear to us.
We may say, “If only my wife, my husband, my kids...could only not push my buttons, if they could only be as I am asking them to be, to suit my needs, then I would be more gentle, peaceful and happy!” In a fantasy land, that may be possible, if you became the Director and the Casting Agent but in actuality, family life is much more complicated than that. The more one hangs onto these unrealistic expectations, the more chaos, disconnect, and verbal fights amongst family members will occur. A partner may even may seek intimacy outside of marriage.
How to break this vicious cycle?
The answer is quite simple. If one is willing to take full responsibility for their own negative thoughts or feelings of discomfort and choose to accept each member of their family as they are, the more harmonious and fulfilling their family relationship will be. Choosing to live in gratitude for how things actually are instead of hankering and lamenting for what is not, has the power to transform your home into an oasis of love, support, and authentic relationships.
Each family member will receive customized, individual sessions. The couples will receive joint sessions to address the obstacles and unrealistic expectations they each have towards each other and releasing them to increase loving intimate marital relationships.
The duration of the package will depend on the needs and desires of the family.
Additional information
Payment Options | Pay Instalments, Pay Full Amount |
Treatment Duration | 2 months, 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months |